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Conversion for torque

The unit for the moment (torque) is derived from the basic units "force" and "distance".

If the force acts on a rigid body with a fixed axis of rotation, then this body is not displaced but set in a rotary motion.

In this case, not only the magnitude of the force, but also the distance of the force application point to the axis of rotation is important: the greater the distance, the greater the rotary effect (rotational acceleration).
The moment is defined by force times the lever arm.

The rotary motion is also influenced when a pair of forces acts on a rigid body instead of a single force.
A pure rotary motion - without displacement - occurs when the two forces act in opposite directions and are of equal magnitude.

This pair of forces is always present with a moment (torque): In a rotatably mounted body on which a force acts, the bearing reaction force forms the opposite force, which is exactly the same magnitude and acts at a certain lever distance.

You could therefore say: A moment is a pair of forces.

In technology, a distinction is made between:

  • Drive torque (for a machine that delivers power),
  • Output torque (for a machine that consumes power).

If the force pair (moment) does not trigger a rotational movement, we do not speak of torque but of moment. Depending on the type of mechanical load, a technical distinction is made between:

  • Bending moment,
  • Torsional moment.

The unit Newton meter for moment (torque) is derived from the Si units for force (Newton) and length (meter).


Metrische Einheiten UK- und US- Einheiten
1 Newtonmeter (Nm) 0,7375621 pound force feet (lbf ft)
1 Newtonmeter (Nm) 8,8507458 pound force inch (lbf in)
1 Newtonmeter (Nm) 11,800994 ounce force feet (ozf ft)
1 Newtonmeter (Nm) 141,61193 ounce force inch (ozf in)
1 Newtonmeter (Nm) 0,04214011 poundal feet (pdl ft)
UK- und US- Einheiten Metrische Einheiten
1 pound force feet (lbf ft) 1,355818 Newtonmeter (Nm)
1 pound force inch (lbf in) 0,11298483 Newtonmeter (Nm)
1 ounce force feet (ozf ft) 0,0847386 Newtonmeter (Nm)
1 ounce force inch (ozf in) 0,007061552 Newtonmeter (Nm)
1 poundal feet (pdl ft) 23,73036 Newtonmeter (Nm)