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GSV-1M analog measuring amplifier - ME-Systems
GSV-1M analog measuring amplifier - ME-Systems
Art.Nr.: 1045

GSV-1M 010/250/2

  • 1- channel straingauge amplifier in potting box;
  • connection: 2x 4-pol. connector typ 718, with necessary plugs for electrical connection;
  • dimensions: 55mm x 36mm x 17mm;
  • analog output: -10V...+10V;
  • limit frequency: 250Hz;
  • input sensitivity: 1 / 2 / 3,5 mV/V;
  • supply voltage: 11V..26V DC;
  • weight: 50g;
  • environmental protection: IP67;
All details
Select variant:
  • 1- channel straingauge amplifier in potting box;
  • connection: 2x 4-pol. connector typ 718, with necessary plugs for electrical connection;
  • dimensions: 55mm x 36mm x 17mm;
  • analog output: -10V...+10V;
  • limit frequency: 250Hz;
  • input sensitivity: 1 / 2 / 3,5 mV/V;
  • supply voltage: 11V..26V DC;
  • weight: 50g;
  • environmental protection: IP67;
  • Tare function via control cable
  • 250 Hz Filter in the standard version
  • 2,5 kHz or 10kHz Filter optionally
  •  ±5 or ±10 V output
Product description

The module GSV-1M is a encapsulated version of the printed circuit board GSV-1L with miniature M8 connectors.

The high limiting frequency of 10 kHz is suitable for the detection of static and dynamic signals from sensors with strain gauges.

The automatic automatic zero adjustment store settings permanently in the nonvolatile memory also by voltage interruption.

Recommended products
GSV-1M 010/250/2
GSV-1M 010/250/2.pdf
  • 1- channel straingauge amplifier in potting box;
  • connection: 2x 4-pol. connector typ 718, with necessary plugs for electrical connection;
  • dimensions: 55mm x 36mm x 17mm;
  • analog output: -10V...+10V;
  • limit frequency: 250Hz;
  • input sensitivity: 1 / 2 / 3,5 mV/V;
  • supply voltage: 11V..26V DC;
  • weight: 50g;
  • environmental protection: IP67;
  • Tare function via control cable
  • 250 Hz Filter in the standard version
  • 2,5 kHz or 10kHz Filter optionally
  •  ±5 or ±10 V output
Product description

The module GSV-1M is a encapsulated version of the printed circuit board GSV-1L with miniature M8 connectors.

The high limiting frequency of 10 kHz is suitable for the detection of static and dynamic signals from sensors with strain gauges.

The automatic automatic zero adjustment store settings permanently in the nonvolatile memory also by voltage interruption.

Recommended products
GSV-1M 010/250/2
GSV-1M 010/250/2.pdf
GSV-1M 010/250/2