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GSVmulti Call Parameters

The GSVmulti software can also be started from the command line or from the Windows Task Scheduler with additional call parameters.

This allows measurement tasks to be automated, e.g. starting a measurement with recording of the measurement results every day at 9:00 a.m.

Example: GSVmulti.exe -l -rYt -3600

The first parameter "-l" (small L) ensures that the last used "session" is used at startup. The "Session" contains all the information required to start, such as "Device Type", "Interface", "Number of Channels". The session must have been defined, saved and loaded in the user interface beforehand.

Currently no session name can be selected in the call line. With the "-l" parameter, the data from the last session used is processed in the call line.

The second parameter "-rYt" ensures that a recording is started with the Yt recorder from GSVmulti. Recording will use the settings as configured in the “Configure Recording” window.

The first two parameters are required.

If necessary, the third parameter can be used to force the program to close (and thus all device connections). This is useful if, for example, the recording and the connection to a GSV-3BT or GSV-4BT measuring amplifier should be closed to save energy. Stopping the recording itself is also possible without call parameters by configuring under “Configure Recording”.


