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Art.Nr.: 921

Calibration Certificate kn/20/5

  • Calibration of the force sensor;
  • 3 series of measurements with 5 measuring points;
  • Maximum force alternatively 1N to 20kN;
  • compressive force
  • Measurement of the relative reproducibilty, the relative deviation of characteristic curve and the relative linearity error;
  • Measurement of insulation resistance of the characteristic value, the zero signal of the sensor;
  • Measurement of the zero signal hysteresis;
  • Applying a calibration mark on the device;
  • Note: This is not an accredited certificate and is therefore not covered by the EA-MLA.
All details
Select variant:
Compressive / Tensile
Delivery time: approx. 2 - 3 weeks
  • Calibration of the force sensor;
  • 3 series of measurements with 5 measuring points;
  • Maximum force alternatively 1N to 20kN;
  • compressive force
  • Measurement of the relative reproducibilty, the relative deviation of characteristic curve and the relative linearity error;
  • Measurement of insulation resistance of the characteristic value, the zero signal of the sensor;
  • Measurement of the zero signal hysteresis;
  • Applying a calibration mark on the device;
  • Note: This is not an accredited certificate and is therefore not covered by the EA-MLA.
Product description

The factory calibration takes into account the requirements of DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 and ISO 9000. The calibration certificate serves as proof of test equipment according to DIN ISO 9001: 2008.

Documented and evaluated are

  •      the general state of the sensor
  •      the span (reproducibility)
  •      the characteristics - and linearity error

at different load levels.

Note: For calibration with traction special adapters are needed for introducing force.
Without an adapter, it can lead to longer delivery times. The production of the adapter may cause additional costs.

  • Calibration of the force sensor;
  • 3 series of measurements with 5 measuring points;
  • Maximum force alternatively 1N to 20kN;
  • compressive force
  • Measurement of the relative reproducibilty, the relative deviation of characteristic curve and the relative linearity error;
  • Measurement of insulation resistance of the characteristic value, the zero signal of the sensor;
  • Measurement of the zero signal hysteresis;
  • Applying a calibration mark on the device;
  • Note: This is not an accredited certificate and is therefore not covered by the EA-MLA.
Product description

The factory calibration takes into account the requirements of DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 and ISO 9000. The calibration certificate serves as proof of test equipment according to DIN ISO 9001: 2008.

Documented and evaluated are

  •      the general state of the sensor
  •      the span (reproducibility)
  •      the characteristics - and linearity error

at different load levels.

Note: For calibration with traction special adapters are needed for introducing force.
Without an adapter, it can lead to longer delivery times. The production of the adapter may cause additional costs.

Calibration Certificate kn/20/5