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Art.Nr.: 7328

DAkkS-accredited-Calibration Certificate 600kN/10

  • Calibration of the force sensor;
  • "according to “DKD R 3-3:2024 sequence A”;
  • 3 series of measurements in different mounting positions;
  • Applying a calibration mark on the device;
  • Maximum force alternatively 401kN to 600kN;
  • Compressive force in 10% steps;
  • excl. service fee DAKKS-accredited-calibration external;
All details
Select variant:
  • Calibration of the force sensor;
  • "according to “DKD R 3-3:2024 sequence A”;
  • 3 series of measurements in different mounting positions;
  • Applying a calibration mark on the device;
  • Maximum force alternatively 401kN to 600kN;
  • Compressive force in 10% steps;
  • excl. service fee DAKKS-accredited-calibration external;
Product description

DAkkS calibration certificates are issued by an external DAkkS accredited calibration laboratory.

Calibration is carried out by "MPA Kalibrierdient GmbH" in Berlin,
an accredited calibration laboratory according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025
Akk.Nr. D-K-17552-01-00

with recognition by the Federal Railway Authority

The force gauges are calibrated to the force reference standard means the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), which are connected via the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig to the national force standard.

Recommended products
  • Calibration of the force sensor;
  • "according to “DKD R 3-3:2024 sequence A”;
  • 3 series of measurements in different mounting positions;
  • Applying a calibration mark on the device;
  • Maximum force alternatively 401kN to 600kN;
  • Compressive force in 10% steps;
  • excl. service fee DAKKS-accredited-calibration external;
Product description

DAkkS calibration certificates are issued by an external DAkkS accredited calibration laboratory.

Calibration is carried out by "MPA Kalibrierdient GmbH" in Berlin,
an accredited calibration laboratory according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025
Akk.Nr. D-K-17552-01-00

with recognition by the Federal Railway Authority

The force gauges are calibrated to the force reference standard means the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), which are connected via the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig to the national force standard.

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DAkkS-accredited-Calibration Certificate 600kN/10