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6-axis force- torque sensor with measuring range of 200N/20Nm, 600N/60Nm in the dimensions of Ø100mm x 40mm. 6D Force sensor made in Germany order now directly at the manufacturer!
6-axis force- torque sensor with measuring range of 200N/20Nm, 600N/60Nm in the dimensions of Ø100mm x 40mm. 6D Force sensor made in Germany order now directly at the manufacturer!
Art.Nr.: 8182

F6D100-50 200N/20Nm/MP11

  • type: 6-axis force- torque sensor
  • nominal force: Fx: 200 N, Fy: 200 N, Fz: 400 N
  • nominal torque:  Mx: 20 Nm, My: 20 Nm, Mz: 20 Nm
  • accuracy class: 1
  • dimensions: Ø100 mm x 40 mm
  • circle: Ø50 mm
  • mounting and centering: 4 x inner thread  M6x1; 2 drill hole Ø6 mm H7
  • connection integrated round plug (MP11), 24-pole, male
  • Material: Aluminium alloy
  • weight: 470g

required accessories:

  • calibrationmatrix SL
  • connection cable with SubD44HD (for GSV-8DS) or M16, 24-pol., Typ 423 (for GSV-8AS)

recommended accessories:

  • amplifier GSV-8DS SubD44HD, GSV-8AS
  • calibrationmatrix SL/Plus
All details
Configure product:
Art.Nr.: 8182

F6D100-50 200N/20Nm/MP11

  • type: 6-axis force- torque sensor
  • nominal force: Fx: 200 N, Fy: 200 N, Fz: 400 N
  • nominal torque:  Mx: 20 Nm, My: 20 Nm, Mz: 20 Nm
  • accuracy class: 1
  • dimensions: Ø100 mm x 40 mm
  • circle: Ø50 mm
  • mounting and centering: 4 x inner thread  M6x1; 2 drill hole Ø6 mm H7
  • connection integrated round plug (MP11), 24-pole, male
  • Material: Aluminium alloy
  • weight: 470g

required accessories:

  • calibrationmatrix SL
  • connection cable with SubD44HD (for GSV-8DS) or M16, 24-pol., Typ 423 (for GSV-8AS)

recommended accessories:

  • amplifier GSV-8DS SubD44HD, GSV-8AS
  • calibrationmatrix SL/Plus
All details
Configure product:
  • type: 6-axis force- torque sensor
  • nominal force: Fx: 200 N, Fy: 200 N, Fz: 400 N
  • nominal torque:  Mx: 20 Nm, My: 20 Nm, Mz: 20 Nm
  • accuracy class: 1
  • dimensions: Ø100 mm x 40 mm
  • circle: Ø50 mm
  • mounting and centering: 4 x inner thread  M6x1; 2 drill hole Ø6 mm H7
  • connection integrated round plug (MP11), 24-pole, male
  • Material: Aluminium alloy
  • weight: 470g

required accessories:

  • calibrationmatrix SL
  • connection cable with SubD44HD (for GSV-8DS) or M16, 24-pol., Typ 423 (for GSV-8AS)

recommended accessories:

  • amplifier GSV-8DS SubD44HD, GSV-8AS
  • calibrationmatrix SL/Plus
Product description

The multi-component sensor F6D100 is used for force and torque measurement in three mutually perpendicular axes.

The multi-component sensor F6D100 is equipped with mounting flanges according to DIN EN ISO 9409-1 for industrial robots. The measuring flange of the sensor contains tapped holes M6 on the same pitch circle. The F6D force / torque sensor can be mounted to the robot flange without additional adapters, making it particularly flat and light compared to the K6D series sensors.

The evaluation of the force and moment load is carried out with an external measuring amplifier GSV-8DS SubD44HD or GSV-8AS.

The sensors are made of an aluminum alloy.

Our partner IPR – Intelligente Peripherien für Roboter GmbH offers solutions for applications of force / torque sensors.

Headline of additional Content
In addition to the standard force sensor we produce force sensors with very small dimensions or retrofitting systems for force measurement, such as Strain sensors and load bolts. ME-measurement systems develops and manufactures force sensors specifically for your application, since a quantity of one piece.
ME-measurement systems develops and manufactures force sensors specifically for your application, since a quantity of one piece.  In addition to the standard force sensor we produce force sensors with very small dimensions or retrofitting systems for force measurement, such as Strain sensors and load bolts. ME-measurement systems develops and manufactures force sensors specifically for your application, since a quantity of one piece.
Recommended products
F6D100-50 200N/20Nm/MP11
F6D100-50 200N/20Nm/MP11.pdf
F6D100-50 200N/20Nm/MP11
F6D100-50 200N/20Nm/MP11
  • type: 6-axis force- torque sensor
  • nominal force: Fx: 200 N, Fy: 200 N, Fz: 400 N
  • nominal torque:  Mx: 20 Nm, My: 20 Nm, Mz: 20 Nm
  • accuracy class: 1
  • dimensions: Ø100 mm x 40 mm
  • circle: Ø50 mm
  • mounting and centering: 4 x inner thread  M6x1; 2 drill hole Ø6 mm H7
  • connection integrated round plug (MP11), 24-pole, male
  • Material: Aluminium alloy
  • weight: 470g

required accessories:

  • calibrationmatrix SL
  • connection cable with SubD44HD (for GSV-8DS) or M16, 24-pol., Typ 423 (for GSV-8AS)

recommended accessories:

  • amplifier GSV-8DS SubD44HD, GSV-8AS
  • calibrationmatrix SL/Plus
Product description

The multi-component sensor F6D100 is used for force and torque measurement in three mutually perpendicular axes.

The multi-component sensor F6D100 is equipped with mounting flanges according to DIN EN ISO 9409-1 for industrial robots. The measuring flange of the sensor contains tapped holes M6 on the same pitch circle. The F6D force / torque sensor can be mounted to the robot flange without additional adapters, making it particularly flat and light compared to the K6D series sensors.

The evaluation of the force and moment load is carried out with an external measuring amplifier GSV-8DS SubD44HD or GSV-8AS.

The sensors are made of an aluminum alloy.

Our partner IPR – Intelligente Peripherien für Roboter GmbH offers solutions for applications of force / torque sensors.

Headline of additional Content
In addition to the standard force sensor we produce force sensors with very small dimensions or retrofitting systems for force measurement, such as Strain sensors and load bolts. ME-measurement systems develops and manufactures force sensors specifically for your application, since a quantity of one piece.
ME-measurement systems develops and manufactures force sensors specifically for your application, since a quantity of one piece.  In addition to the standard force sensor we produce force sensors with very small dimensions or retrofitting systems for force measurement, such as Strain sensors and load bolts. ME-measurement systems develops and manufactures force sensors specifically for your application, since a quantity of one piece.
Recommended products
F6D100-50 200N/20Nm/MP11
F6D100-50 200N/20Nm/MP11.pdf
F6D100-50 200N/20Nm/MP11
F6D100-50 200N/20Nm/MP11
F6D100-50 200N/20Nm/MP11